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Chain ring protection /bash guard ultegra?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:25 pm
by Aesch
For a new commuting bike build I intend to use my "old" ultegra crankset. I'm looking for some protection around the chains for when I ride with "normal" clothes. Anything other than Sks chainbow/chainblade? (I'll have to swap for smaller chain rings, which is no problem but I'd prefer just to keep the 50-34 on there).
Of maybe an other solution that works with a 1x.40/42 teeth crank/chain ring?
Re: Chain ring protection /bash guard ultegra?
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:17 pm
by froze
The cheapest thing to do is to simply use a reflective leg band that Velcro's together. I commuted with those for over 40 years and never got a pant leg stuck or grease marks on them. I bought a pair and used them on both legs so the pants on the left won't somehow get stuck on the crank, but also if you are coming or going in very low light times, they add a layer of reflective protection. Find a pair of bands with the highest degree of reflectivity.
Re: Chain ring protection /bash guard ultegra?
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:17 pm
by Weenie

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