Sram Dub vs Wide

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by TLN

Hi all.

Can anyone clarify difference between Dub and Dub wide? I get that wide got 55mm chainline vs 52mm for regular. Plus wider(bigger) Q-Factor. I also get that I'll need Dub Wide for 2x on gravel and that will require Wide FD.

Do I need Dub wide for 1x? If yes, what size of tires requires Wide? Can I ride 45c tires, with regular Dub with 40t chainring for example?

UPD: Answering it myself: Canyon Grizl takes regular dub, regular force crank and it works, even with 42T chainring. No need for anything "wide"
His: Orbea Orca OMX
Hers: Cannondale Synapse HM Disc

by Weenie

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