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Re: Road bike hard case with handlebar
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:29 pm
by Nohands83
Saw a couple of the Aerofit Bike box Alans on my last Mallorca trip - they are massive.
Another option might be - ... p070200544
Looks to be more compact and works with semi-integrated bars - it does require you to be able to rotate your bars around though.
Personally I've bad bad experiences with soft bags and wouldn't use one again.
Re: Road bike hard case with handlebar
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:11 pm
by bikeboy1tr
I have two hard cases by Serfas which I have used for a number of years now with no issues or bike damage. Recently flew to Majorca with Lufthansa and I was blown away by what they charge and the inconsistancies with their charges. We flew out of Toronto and they wanted $300 Can for one way and we registered the boxes before the flight but they gave no quotes even though the weight and linear dimensions were within their oversize specs.
On the return flight we were the first group lined up for checkin and the first for Lufthansa airlines. My buddy with the same box I lent him and the same weight checked in first and his charge was $100 Can but when I stepped up suddenly the computor wouldnt allow her to check my box and I was told to go to their office to pay for the box. She said the plane couldnt take anymore bike boxes which really means your charge is tripled.
For $600 Can. rental looks like the better option with less hassle of dragging a bike box around an airport and packing/unpacking a bike box,also hoping the bikes make destination arrival. In 2018 the same airlines charged $100 each way as a standard charge and before that it was free with international flights.
A few ppl I have talked to say its just not worth dragging your bike box when you can rent a pretty decent bike for the same or less money. I know my next trip will be a bike rental.
Re: Road bike hard case with handlebar
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:11 pm
by Weenie

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