Bring your questions & complaints to the Weight Weenies moderators, here! Also, News & Announcements. Use the other boards for bike related talks.
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Posts: 1071
Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:28 am

by maxim809

Hi everyone, the following are the updated simplified General Rules, followed by Details below.

General Rules
1. Don't be a Jerk
2. Add to Conversations
3. No Counterfeits
4. No Blatant or Obnoxious Ads [Industry/Independent-Makers Rules]
5. Marketplace Board Access requires 30 minimum posts


1. Don't be a Jerk
  • No Ad-Hominem.
  • Attack the idea, not the person
  • Demanding in bad faith
  • Being rude, unpleasant, or generally obnoxious
  • Racist or Homophobic remarks
  • Trolling
2. Add to Conversations
Develop on ideas and be productive with responses. Don't block or dismiss ideas without providing evidence or counterargument.

Topic Drift is fine, and is a natural part of healthy discussion. In our experience, conversations that drift eventually swing back to the original topic of the thread. Wandering and exploring are necessary to come up with new ideas. However, sometimes a topic will drift so far that it spins out of control. This is when intervention is needed to get things back on track. Use the report button to flag a moderator. We will investigate to determine if our intervention is needed to help snap the conversation back into place.

3. No Counterfeits
Fakes are theft.

When flagging a post that may contain a link or information to a counterfeit, provide supporting evidence or at least a reasoning behind your hunch on why you believe it is a fake. A classic example is, "Pinarello uses threaded Italian bottom brackets, but this frame is press fit". Or "This pump looks exactly like the Lezyne pump <Link to URL>". In short, Provide Justification when flagging.

*** Are you in the Industry? Read below:

4. Industry/Independent-Makers Rules
We are piloting an "Industry Member" vetting process at WeightWeenies. The goal of this initiative is to give willing industry members a path to be transparent about who they are so that they can more freely interact on the forum without the confusion that comes behind a username. This mitigate conflicts of interest, and open paths for direct and honest conversations with WW Denizens.

Secondly, we are excited to allow independent-makers to more freely discuss their beloved projects and creations here at WeightWeenies.

How do I become an "Industry" Member?
Private Message maxim809 using the forum DM function, or e-mail "weightweenieforums" at gmail if you do not have DM privileges. Include:

- Who you are
- Short Summary of your company/brand

We will take it from there on next-steps on verifying proof.

What do I get as an "Industry" Member?
Once approved, Industry folks are granted a prominent username & title to call out who they represent, as well as extra protection from Moderators from Trolls.

What are the guidelines as an Industry Member?
* No blatant or obnoxious advertisement, at the mod team’s discretion.
* Industry and Denizens of WW to treat each other with respect.
* Moderator to ensure guidelines are followed by Industry, as well as guard Industry from Trolls.

Are there previous examples of Industry folks?
Yes, Joe @ ChinaCycling engaged with users in the Craft Racing Wheels thread, and fostered trust amongst the interested customers. This was a great case where an Industry Member generated engagement with the Enthusiast crowd in a way that benefited everyone involved. In Joe's case, he was quickly able to prove he was indeed ChinaCycling based on the content provided in his high quality replies, and he navigated how he positioned himself in that thread very well.

Another was antihero, the first North American Seka Distributor (and also the scenario which helped us spearhead this idea). In antihero's case, he was able to work the Seka directly to produce a North American-only Raw Carbon Spear frames to hit the advertised 690g frame weight after accumulating feedback from the forum that the painted frames are several hundred grams heavier.

Another is graeme_f_k, who can frequently be seen helping users out in all the Campy threads since 2008.

More examples below....

If I was to make an "Industry Thread", what's the best way to do this?

Get vetted, and start a thread in any of the appropriate boards!

We are starting with a Decentralized approach where we will allow each Industry member to interact as they normally would, and create their own threads as they deem fit. Example existing role models include Jure Berk's carbon thread or TerryDi2C's all things Di2 thread.
If this program takes off and we have lots of Industry threads, we will move to a Centralized approach by making an Industry-Specific board, and corralling all threads there. For now, let's go grassroots.

What are the Guidelines for Independent Makers?

Previously, we had a hard stance against self-promotion to personal blogs, sites, or social. The new Guidelines are:

1. Users are allowed to link self-made content if the topic being discussed intersects with the Independent-Maker's content.
2. Secondly, we will continue to allow "Catch-All" threads to blogs, social for users to self-promote media content
(Ex: Cycling YouTube Channels)
3. Like Industry Members, users with deeper creative content (development of your own 3D Printed Parts, custom Drink Mix, etc) are allowed and encouraged to start "living blog" style threads.
4. Small, unobtrusive links in signatures are allowed.
5. No blatant or obnoxious advertisement, at the mod team’s discretion.

What if I want to continue to be an anonymous Industry member? Can I keep posting anyway?
Absolutely fine. Privacy is an individual right, and we take this very seriously. This program is for industry folks who prefer to be transparent with disclosing who they are as a means to mitigate conflicts that arise when having to use an internet username handle. The goal is to provide a platform for these silent sufferers who want to post, but have reservations with credibility or conflicts. Those who are happy to post anonymously or lurk are absolutely free to continue doing so.

Can I make threads like Berk, TerryDi2c, even if I am not Industry vetted?
Yes, absolutely. You can continue to use the forum as you would, and the freedoms mentioned above apply to anyone as long as the Guidelines and Rules are being followed. The purpose of getting Industry vetted title is to mitigate Conflicts of Interest that arise when it is not obvious who you are and what you represent. This is a good time to remind you, that if you want to post something under a pseudonym but you feel that you will be met with roadblocks of distrust, skepticism, and flaming from the users... perhaps consider this new Pilot.

We are doing this Industry/Maker idea as a Pilot. If it goes well we will continue to nurture it. If it goes sideways we may cease the idea. The views and content generated by the Industry and Independent Makers does NOT represent the views of Weight Weenies or the WW Moderator Team. The WW Admin & Mod Team are a group of volunteers, doing our part to keep the forum a place others like you and I want to come to.

GUIDING SPIRIT for Denizens when Interacting with Industry
Listen, the Bike Industry is hard. For many of us this is a hobby. For them, they made their passion into a job. Any time someone from the industry steps into our forum they are taking a risk with trolls in order to engage with the overly passionate hobbyist community. Keep your passion and composure in balance. Let’s not squander these rare moments when an industry member emerges. Don't mess this up for everyone.

All of us who has taken the time to make an account did so because we were struggling with a bike problem, had an honest question, or we want to be here to talk with other Bike Nerds about Bike Nerd things and have a good time when we're not riding our bikes.

It is important to remember that we all came from a time of knowing nothing. Regardless of whether you're a lurker or a contributor, it was through the help of others that grew you into the cyclist you are. And the only way you're going to stick around any community is if everyone treats each other in a way that is inviting, approachable, and kind. I know this is the Internet. Fight the urge on being a Venomous keyboard warrior. Be a Helpful and Kind keyboard warrior instead.

Lastly, "moderator discretion" means the final say on this forum comes down to our judgement. We do our best to be fair and as hands-off as possible. But issues do arise, and when they do, it's Our House, Our Rules.

Q: What are the definitions of Industry and Independent Maker?

An 'Industry Member' is someone who works in the bicycle business. Examples include professionals working at a bike company to produce bicycles, bike parts, bike accessories, works as a news reporter or influencer to produce journalism content, in the tourism business, a dealer or distributor, fitters, cycling kit designers, and mechanics, engineers and artists working on bikes.

An 'Independent Maker' is someone who produces content independently, typically at the hobbyist level. Examples include tinkerers creating custom handmade parts and designs. They are not paid by a company, corporation, or business firm, nor are they beholden to anyone but themselves. When they do get paid for their projects, it's as a personal side-gig, typically at an informal level.

Q: What is the punishment for violating the rules?

A mod may DM you to let you know what you are doing, and we will work out the issue offline. In a scenario where behavioral issues continue to persist, we will either issue a Warning, temporarily Ban you for 2 weeks, or in the worst case Ban you permanently.

A: What's a Warning?

Every user gets a Warning Count, with reasons for each warning as a reminder on the behavioral issues that need adjustment. Warnings are an arbitrary way for us to keep track of repeat offenders, and too many will lead to a vacation or ban. Periodically at the end of the year we will clear the Warnings.

by Weenie

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