Commuter build options.

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by Pilotjoe

Hi there,

Im in the Market for a secondhand commuter build.
Light commuter with childseat. I have the idea to put a lefty on it. Maybe electrify it...

Options: cannondale bad boy, bmc alpenchallenge, kona esatto or convert a mountainbike.

Setup: 1x..., lefty, fenders

Thx all!

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by Weenie

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by froze

I assume when you mentioned the Bad Boy it was the Bad Boy 3 with the ridged fork since that's what all your other choices have?

Please remember as you read this stuff it's just opinion.

Personally, I don't like the one-legged fork concept, it seems to have worked fine for years, but Cannondale is the only company that has embraced it, which means parts for it could be more difficult to find. I also did not see any mounts for fenders, anyway, that one personally I would not buy mostly because of the fork.

The next bike is the BMC, I'm not a fan of one chain ring system unless you live on flat land then it would be fine, but it does sound like you want to attach a child carrier so maybe you might need a lower gear with the added weight pedaling around. But again, there is a problem, no fender mounts can be seen or mentioned in the specs. So, I would not buy this due to the single chainring setup.

The last bike is the Kona, which is a great bike, you would love it, but there is a problem, no fender mounts visible on the bike nor are they discussed in the specs.

There are fenders on the market that don't need mounting points, so that difficulty can be overcome.

So, of the 3 you mentioned, I'm leaning toward the Kona.

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