Sidi Wire 2 cycling shoes

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by kyle2000

Trying to find shoes that don't hurt me feet and run narrow. Went through 2 sets of Sidi Ergo 1s which fit me well.

Purchased a pair of Sidi Wire 2s but the uppers are so stiff that they are really uncomfortable. If the uppers were leather or even fake leather I would expect them to break in over time. But from what I have heard the upper material on these wire 2s will never adjust to your feet.

Any Sidi Wire 2 wearers out there? Did the fit change at all over time? Is there any point in me keeping on riding these in hopes that over time they might become more comfortable?

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by BBres

Which part of the shoe are you talking about?

I've been using them for 2 years now and I find them very comfortable.

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by kyle2000


All over and particularily on top. I have a high arch and the top dial ratchet seems to put excessive pressure on the top of my foot. Maybe it's in my head seeing that dial right on top of my foot.

These are really nice, well made shoes that I wish would be more comfortable. Someone online said that they need to be comfortable out of the box. I've done 3 rides, with the the last one being 45 miles and they were not comfortable.

Were yours comfortable out of the box or was there a break in period for you?

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by gkski

Sadly, for those of us with high arches and narrow feet, Sidi stopped making the narrow version of their shoes. Last pair I had I think were Genius 4s and their size was marked with an “S” which I understood to equate to narrow in Italian.

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by PeanutButterCups

I have wide feet and high arches, I now currently use the Sidi Wire's and whilst the upper is stiff they fit similar to my old Ergo 3's, which I actually prefer more as the upper was softer and conformed to my feet better.

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by PeanutButterCups

Dble post.

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by CyclingGiraffe

kyle2000 wrote:
Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:18 am

All over and particularily on top. I have a high arch and the top dial ratchet seems to put excessive pressure on the top of my foot. Maybe it's in my head seeing that dial right on top of my foot.

These are really nice, well made shoes that I wish would be more comfortable. Someone online said that they need to be comfortable out of the box. I've done 3 rides, with the the last one being 45 miles and they were not comfortable.

Were yours comfortable out of the box or was there a break in period for you?
Other than a relatively brief dalliance with a Shimano model that was comfortable, but not as durable as I would have liked, I essentially went from a Sidi Genius 4 to a Sidi Wire 2. I know what you mean about the current "Techpro" microfiber upper not being as "slipper-soft" as the older shoes' Lorica upper. The last also appears to have changed a bit, too. I wear a size 45 in both, and while the length and overall width in the upper foot appears to be pretty similar, the toebox of the newer Wire 2 seems to be taller.

Unlike the old Genius 4s, which were very comfortable right off the bat, I found the Wire 2 to be stiffer and not as form fitting out of the box. I believe that is because the new upper material is not as supple and does not stretch as much as the older Lorica uppers (despite what Sidi marketing claimed about Lorica not stretching). I also had to cut the three middle slits in the top of the tongue of the Wire 2, as I was getting a bit of pressure there. However, after a week or two, I acclimatized to the Wire 2 and like them very much.

I can think of two things that might explain your issues with the Wire 2. One, I noticed when I first got them that I had a tendency to over-tighten the Tecno dial on the tongue, which presses directly down on the top of your foot. That excess pressure can create hot spots and cause numbness. One way that i've managed to stop that from happening is to tighten the instep strap at the top of the shoes first, and then tighten the dial on the tongue . Since it is both pulling the sides of the shoe together and pressing down on the top of your foot, I've found that I only need it to be snug (not "tight") to keep my foot in place, while the top strap really locks your foot/heel in the shoe. Two, I believe that the Wire 2 is designed to be Sidi's "sprinter" shoe; that is, it is somewhat stiffer and more structured than other shoes in the lineup. I don't think there is anything you can do about that; it is what it is, though as I noted above, I do feel like both the padding under the tongue and even the upper itself did break in and better mould to my feet over time.

The good thing about my Wire 2s is that, like all Sidis I've owned, they are extremely well made and durable. Two and a half years old, and other than some superficial scratches on the outside of the left shoe from a crash and the usual heel/toe wear, they look and work like new (when I bother to clean them).

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by PeanutButterCups

I have the Sidi Wires and the older Ergo 2's.

The Wires have never seemed to give at all where as the Ergo 2's conformed to my feet and feel so much better. I can't find any information on the upper materials but there is definitely a change of material. I'm considering the Sidi Sixty's as the material appears to be different to the Wires.

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by wheelbuilder

FYI for low volume friends. The Wire 2S is significantly more form fitting along the instep and sides of feet. I love the narrowness of Wires and was happy with them for a decade. The S version is even better.
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by chorus88

Switched from Sidi (Ergo2 carbon & Shot) to S-Works Torch Laces.
I have a narrow foot & I wanted to try another brand.
The Torch Laces are wide & very light.
OP should definitely try them on.
Both shoe brands are size: 40.5
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by bipagutschein

I found Specialized Torch and QUOC shoes in general to be rather narrow. I can recommend Lake for wider feet. their website shows an extensive matrix that also includes width of each of the models.

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by reknop

Still going strong with two pairs of Sidi Wire SP shoes and two pairs of Sidi Drako 2 SRS mountain bike shoes. I run all with Solestar Kontrol insoles and the heel retention is for me a very important aspect of the Sidi shoes (as well as the availability of spare parts).
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by windsurfingodie

I have a pair of Sidi Wire Speedplays and my issue is the heel screw will not tighten and I think it's the female part that is broken.It is loose inside the shoe and not sure if something is stripped. Is this fixable. I really don't want to buy another pair of shoes, as these are still excellent shoes and have no problems on the bike. When I get off and walk the heel stays loose so I cany keep then like this. Thanks in advance

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by gkski

I am not versed in mounting Speedplay cleats, but usually the female parts that the cleat screws screw into can be accessed under the insoles and replaced. This means cutting with a blade (sometimes the foot board is already scored).

Before doing this you probably want to contact Sidi to see if they can supply the female parts. They do exist.

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by windsurfingodie

Thanks. I couldn't find any online parts and not sure who to contact. I've contacted my local Sidi dealer and he suggested to Krazy glue around the female outer part of the screw but that did nothing

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