Which Company to Make My Little Bag?
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Any other suggestions over the weekend in case he declines to make it? Also, I'm surprised aero shaped bags in this location haven't become a popular replacement for the small saddle bag. Improves aero, saves watts when out of the saddle, and lowers the bike's COG.
Yes, I'm UK based and use Restrap bags... although your bag size and shipping maybe prohibitive.
https://restrap.com/collections/frame-b ... -frame-bag
https://restrap.com/collections/frame-b ... -frame-bag
Thanks for that. It looks like the first guy is gonna take the job. He asked me to make a a template so today I'm doing a full cardboard mockup to send him. When the bag is done and mounted I'll post. It should be more aero than without and move the seatbag weigh several feet lower on the bike.
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