discovered a bit of an issue with the Swiss Cross

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by Catagory6

i switched out the rear wheel to an older Chorus/Open-Pro wheel, and all of a sudden, thought that the rear triangle was out of alignment!
i flipped the rear wheel around in the dropouts to check and make sure.
then i realized that the rear hub OLD was slightly too narrow, and was shifting side to side in the dropouts.

then i got the bright idea to do the "string around the headtube, to the rear dropouts" test, just for giggles.
well, now i've discovered that there is a 5mm discrepancy at the seat tube, with the larger gap on the NDS.

is this something to be concerned about? should i take it somewhere that has a frame jig, and see what they say?
as far as i can tell, the bike rides fine.
but maybe its the reason i only get 18 minutes on the local hill climb, instead of 12:30?

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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:59 pm
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

by shlammed

probably fine if the wheel is square to the rest of the bike. the stays could be offset to allow for chainring clearance and the rear wheel still be straight to the seat/headtube/bottom bracket. think of the dropped chainstay bikes.

by Weenie

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